Friday, June 18, 2010

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

I am an asian (pakistani) girl. I have typical asian features. I have iong hair, long and well shaped eye brows, prominent black eyes (which is the trade mark of asians), uncrooked nose, lushious lips and heavy jaw bones. What do you think about me?

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

SOME boys find Asian girls more attractive. As for me, I don't discriminate with race. I know beauty when I see it. I've seen some stunning Asians, and some gorgeous white girls, and some astounding black girls. I think the thing about some Asians that some guys like are the full lips.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

theres pretty and ugly asians,hispanic and every other race

its all the same to me

so dont just assume that everyone prefers your race,because half do and half dont

thats the way it is Report It

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

ok Report It

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

asian are ugly Report It

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

I don't know where you get your information but that is not true, I don't find them attractive

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?


Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

they dont

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

If you are muslim, you can forget about it.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

I prefer Italian or good old American girls myself.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

because the cant give you a ginger child

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

belive me they find latinas girls most attracted

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

White guys find asian girls attractive for the very same reason black guys find white girls attractive. I'm not sure how old you are, so I won't say the reason. But you might be able to piece it together...

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?


Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

uum sorry hun, but as an italian female that dates MOSTLY asian men, but has dated every race...i kno from experience that most men like WHITE women...not asian, black, or hispanic...dont kno where you got your info from..but its innacurate...

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

is this your way of saying that all boys want you?

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

silly question

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

they are pretty [some of them] but i dont think guys prefer them more over anyone else.. guys like anything in a skirt that walks.. thats what i think haha

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

I don't think they find asian girls attractive at all. I live in a pretty white town, I went to a pretty white school, and go to an all white college. I'm of Indian descent. I"ve got asian features too, but most think I'm mexican, even the mexicans think so! Well...anyway, I don't know where ur getting ur info from, because i don't think they like us at all, we're too rigid for them...only a few might find us appealing, but most don't in my opinion. Ur avatar looks pretty, do u resemble ur avatar? U know, look wise? I do have an avatar pic I resemble, but as u can tell, this isn't it.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

Ouch. Sounds sexy. It'd be disengenous to say that "all" guys find asians more attractive. Some do, some don't. The Mediterranean, or asian features ARE exotic. Being out of the ordinary, they're therefore usually more eyecatching. What's exotic, and more attractive here in the U.S. is probably considered mundane, and commonplace in the person's area of origin.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

plz. I think asian girls are ugly, well not all of them. Trust me most ppl dont find them attractive. they are either dark or hairy. I am asian I said not all look ugly. If one asian girl is pretty, then she is REALLy pretty that could beat out any girl, but they are rare..u sound like a good looking girl. Asian trademark is for having exotic eyes.. DEF.. we rock the eyes...we are very uniquly built than any other ppl. WE are exotic in every culture to entertainment.. we are sooo unique..have pride with beign asian..awesome...BTW u want to date?

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

actually ....guys don't realli go 4 asains sry more like people with some junk in the trunk ..DUH

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

i don't find Muslim Asians attractive, only truly Asian girls. girls who are Japanese, Chinese, or Korean. all those other so called "Asian" woman who are Muslim are ugly and smell like curry, they are usually quite harry too.... ewwww!

Most men like Russian's, or Italian's.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

Completely hot - can you send me a pic of you?

my email is in my profile.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

I NEVER heard of guys thinking Asians are hawt. Some probably do though, It's probably cause their all poor and will do ANYTHING with ANYONE, Guys are just tryin sleep with em is all

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

i think asian girls are hot as hell! ;)

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

if your a pakstani girl..why do u post your question here.y dont u ask this question to any pakistani men to whom every woman is sexy n hot.i m also paki but never behave or ask any such question that people think me gross and filthy like many people have respond you.i m sorry,,,but plz try to have dignity in you.

moreover,i bet that i m more beautiful than you,living in jpan,but never think such humble.

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?


Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

i think you should get a life

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

girl whoeva told u that must have just said that to get in yo panties becuz this is the first time i eva heared that!lol!NOW THATS S*#$ IS FUNNY!!!

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

who lied to u???

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

u sound cute but i think latinos r more attractive

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

girl you discribe yourself like that and wonder why white guy fall for you

Why do boys mostly find asian girls more attractive?

to soem men that type of girls are hot to them. they say that asian are little freky but i say that they have a short demper

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