Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is hair dye ok for highlighting?

I got this hair dye I love the color, but don't want my whole head of hair that color. Just some highlights.

Is there a real big difference between hair dye and highlighting?

I have Asian black hair, and want some brown streaks. Maybe not big thick streaks, just thin almost natural looking hair dye ok?

Is hair dye ok for highlighting?

Depends on how light the color is. If your hair is naturally dark and you have no color on it, you CAN use haircolor to lift your hair color up to 3 levels. Further than that, you have to use bleach to lighten.

Is hair dye ok for highlighting?

sure it is.....if you want it just highlighted then get the temporary dye so it doesnt permanantly highlight/dye your hair

Is hair dye ok for highlighting?

With hair that dark chances are your going to need some bleaching. The regular haircolor for highlighting would be fine but unless your buying a really light light shade it won't lighten it. Buying a really blonde shade may bring it to a brown since its that dark.

Is hair dye ok for highlighting?

I would recommend talking to your hair stylist or any professional hair stylist that is convenient to contact.

They know exactly what they are doing, they have handled the products before, and they could give you tips if you really want to do it by yourself. If you aren't decided in doing it yourself, I would recommend you take the color to a hair stylist and if it will work, ask them to do it for you (for standard fees, of course).

Is hair dye ok for highlighting?

yes it is ok but what i would do is get a hair net and poke holes in it where u want the highlights to go and then get a hair pick and string your hair through and die it it make a really cool affect

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